Minneapolis/St. Paul Area
Lynne's List. Email <LynneSchulz@cpinternet.Com> and ask to be on her email list. Her weekly list of dance venues is excellent. To assure accuracy and sincerity in subscribing, Lynne requests that you send name, street address, zip, and phone number along with your e-mail address.
Lynne's List
is also provided on this site at
Jim Uttley, <go4dancer@msn.com>, sends a comprehensive mailing each month with occasional, interim updates. His Dance Calendar is online at http://www.go4dancer.com.
Houston Area
Frances Christian <jdouglas@swbell.net>
Email Frances and asked to be added to her monthly list of places for ballroom dancers; she does not list dance studio dances. This listing is primarily for the social dancers in town and usually sent during the 3rd week of the month. |
Minneapolis, St. Paul, and St. Cloud, MN
Jim Uttley
Jim Uttley's Dance Calendar is online at http://www.go4dancer.com. You can also subscribe via email to Jim at <go4dancer@msn.com> and request that you be placed on his email list.
The local chapter of USADance, http://www.usadance-mn.org/ , the national organization for amateur ballroom dancers. has regular events that are among the best in the region and a regular newsletter, available via their web site, that generally contains useful information. The USADance events are usually posted on the web site but Lynne's email list and Jim Uttley's list are much better for other dance opportunities. (The USADance calendar is a "reactive" rather than a "proactive" resource. Anyone may post an event on the calendar, but the organization does not routinely post general dance information on the calendar. Lynne and JIm are proactive lists.)
Tapestry Folk Dance Center has a great swing dance program, and Cindy and Gary are excellent teachers. Lots of variety within the form, but limited to swing. http://www.tapestryfolkdance.org/. Tapestry also has extensive programs on many forms of international and historical folk dance.
Cinema Ballroom http://www.cinemaballroom.com/
(Good variety dances.)
Dancer's Studio http://www.dancersstudio.com/ourstudio.html (Good variety dances.)
Cafe Bailar Dance Club
(Good variety dances.)
Houston, TX
USADance - Houston
The local chapter of USADance,
lists chapter events as well as places to dance in the Houston area.
SSQQ Dance Studio
One of the major social dance studios in the area, the site, like this one, might contain more than you would want to read, but is not without interest, humor, and a unique perspective. I particularly like the article regarding partners.
Dance Vision. http://dancevision.com/ seems to offer the most comprehensive instructional media available.
Recommended reading. http://www.eijkhout.net/lead_follow/index.html contains several short to medium length articles on dance.
BallroomDancers.com, http://www.ballroomdancers.com/, has excellent information, high quality video clips of dance figures, and their Variety of the Week is usually both interesting and challenging.
Just Dance Ballroom http://www.justdanceballroom.com/index.html extensive resource containing useful hints and historical notes about social, American, and International dance styles. |