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Ballroom Dance

J M (Mike) Nelson
Phone: 612-810-0157

Ballroom Basics

Course Description

Ballroom Basics forms a foundation for all social ballroom dances. Everything you will ever need to know about partner dance can be derived from what you learn in Lessons 1 and 2. Ballroom Basics builds confidence for dancing to any music encountered in our culture, provides variety sufficient to avoid boredom on the dance floor, prepares you to go beyond the basics in Foxtrot, Rumba, and Waltz, and it prepares you to learn other dance styles efficiently and easily. Students enrolled in Ballroom Basics will be provided a detailed class outline and suggested practice activities.

Lesson 1 - Stepping to the music. If you can't do it independently, you can't do it with a dance partner.
Lesson 2 - Principles of partner dancing.
Progressing from dancing independently to dancing with a partner.
Lesson 3 -
Linear variations, movements that add variety without much complexity.
Lesson 4 - Breaks,
adding a little "spice."
Lesson 5 - Underarm turns,
movements that add a bit of spin.
Lesson 6 - Sequencing and styling.
Sequencing variations and adapting movements to traditional dance styles for Foxtrot, Rumba, and Waltz.

After completing Ballroom Basics, you may wish to claim to have learned 20 or more dance steps; in truth, you will have learned 20 or more ways to do one "step." You will not be overwhelmed by the number of variations; rather, the variations will be natural consequences of applying what you already know to what you learn about dancing. Moreover, you will dance comfortably and with style in any conceivable venue in North America, including ballroom, country, folk, blues, jazz, contemporary. You might never need another dance class.

Who needs Ballroom Basics?

Absolute beginners who want the best start in partner dancing.
Experienced dancers who know more about steps than they do about dance.
Dancers who can’t explain their every move on the dance floor.
Dancers who are never sure who missed a lead.
Leaders whose partners are not gushing with gratitude.
Followers who wonder why a good leader rarely comes back.
Dancers who occasionally bump others on the dance floor.
Dancers who regularly try to avoid stepping on others or getting stepped on.

Class Design

Ballroom Basics is comparable to a traditional courses in Foxtrot, Rumba, and Waltz. It differs in that it consolidates common elements in the initial lessons. This increases efficiency and reduces anxiety. Thus, lessons 1 - 6 cover up to 18 weeks of traditional studio instruction by:

Consolidating common elements in ballroom dance.
Structuring content so that students are not overwhelmed.
Emphasizing opportunities for learning transfer.
Providing materials for independent study.
Prescribing activities in preparation for subsequent classes.

For more information on course design, see Why Our Ballroom Dance Classes are Better. Dance Home Page Dance Curriculum Dance Articles

Copyright (c) 2006, J. M. Nelson. All rights reserved. Reproduction of contents prohibited without prior permission from the author.