Workshop Series:
Elements of Social Dance
Explore the cadences, tempos, footwork, partner connections, and strategies for variations in most popular dances.
Enjoyable - Insightful - Interesting - Useful
Three, one-hour sessions designed for anyone interested in partner dancing, whether beginner or advanced. Gain better understanding about the relationships among dance styles, understand when and how to initiate a variation, improve leading and following potential, master other dance styles more quickly, analyze the styles of other dancers more easily. You will be provided reference material, thus helping you retain the information covered in the workshop.
Session 1: Dance Steps, from walking to dancing
Session 2: Dance Frame, leading and following
Session 3: Variations, spins, and turns demystified
Each session followed by
A Social Hour of Dance and Conversation
- Activities, bring your dance shoes
- Discussion sessions, bring pencil and paper
- Develop insights that few ever perceive
- Discover simplicities that few ever expect
- Analyze techniques of other dancers
- Create your own variations
- One word that takes the mystery out of the dance step
- The two features that make partner dancing enjoyable
- The most versatile dance step in the western world
- How to become a better leader/follower
- How to avoid collisions on the dance floor
- The simple logic of variations and turns